It's been awhile since I wrote, though not for lack of things to write about!
It's been one of those rare cool spells here, dark and gloomy and threatening to rain any minute. I have actually been wearing a sweatshirt to bed for over a week now! The weather is due to a series of "wind convergences" or "low pressure areas". Locals complain of being cold, but even I have hardly broken a sweat all week and indeed sometimes feel downright chilly. It's amazing becase I haven't seen my thermometer go below 79F!
At times like this the price of fish soars - the fishermen don't like to go out in the rain especially if it's windy. It's also a really bad time to try to go snorkeling. Though we are in the tropics and close enough to the equator to be out of the typhoon belt, the ocean currents at this time of year can be chilly. I have snorkeled at this time of year in the past and gotten so cold that coming out of the water and sitting in wet clothes in the rain in a breeze felt warm by comparison!
I hear from the country south of here that they too have had a lot of rain recently and everybody's sick (colds).
I guess we have indeed gotten the La Nina they promised a few months ago would follow the dry El Nino last year. I certainly am enjoying the cooler weather and best of all, there have been no power interruptions for a long time!