It sounds ridiculous, but it actually feels chilly! It has
been raining nonstop for 36 hours. I feel partly deaf from the incessant
drumming on the roof – though for people who have a tin roof with no ceiling
inside, well, they must surely be completely deaf! It is times like this we are glad we live on a hill.
It is an opportunity to wear clothes that I usually feel too hot in. I even dug out my one and only 10-year-old sweat shirt to sleep in last night!
Here are some shots of what I saw:
These three cats usually sleep separately and get annoyed if another wants to join them, but at times like this they are suddenly best buddies and don't seem to mind spending all day (and all night) together in the box.
And even taking a nap in the middle of the day in the hottest room in the house apparently required a blanket - forget the fan!
Meanwhile, on the other side of the globe folk are complaining about bitterly cold January weather - as if it has never happened before. I guess we are all becoming weather wimps!