What is with all these suicidal drugs???!!
I am amazed at the countless TV commercials for various prescription drugs. The commercials spend maybe 5 seconds telling what the drug is for and then 25 seconds hurriedly reading a long list of horrendous side effects such as liver failure, edema, coma, death, mood swings, elevated blood pressure, weight gain, and suicide. And suicide is what they all have in common! There are various drugs- antidepressants, drugs for arthritis, bipolar disorder, anti-smoking and more. And suicide is a possible side effect of all. One's distinct impression is that the side effects far outweigh the benefits. Are they really hoping to boost their sales??? Or is there some other purpose for these “ads”??? Creepy!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Is your laptop overloaded?
According to an article I read recently:
Plus there is a lot going on right now politically that even Congress seems unable to keep up with (and it is their full time job!)
Advertising in this country bombards from all directions. Even people like me that try to avoid TV still find our mailboxes loaded with ads. Everything you buy from groceries to electronics comes complete with more coupons and ads trying to get you to buy even more.
As I near the end of my time here I am starting to think about the details of packing and departure. With email and cell phones you are only a text away from issues and events on the other side of the globe. A recent email regarding future visa options has sent me scrambling to collect and “authenticate” some documents.
And I did notice that it is Christmas season which adds a certain amount of time constraint to finish certain things before the holidays.
So I do feel somewhat fragmented and distracted as I think about details of packing and shipping, work plans for the next few months, national and international trends and crises, visa stuff, and whether I should even bother trying to do Christmas cards or just make it New Years’ cards, and Christmas preparations. All of that interspersed with thoughts of the people I wanted to see, books I had wanted to read, events back in the second and third of my worlds, etc.
My “laptop” does sometimes feel like it’s overloaded!
The wealth of media in modern life means the average person is bombarded with enough information every day to overload a laptop computer, a study has found.Yes, I am feeling that bombardment! Being in my home country for a short visit I am playing catch up with a lot of people. When you don’t see people very often you have a lot to catch up on. And so you are taking in all the latest on what people are up to, their kids, their jobs, spouses, health, hobbies, etc.
Plus there is a lot going on right now politically that even Congress seems unable to keep up with (and it is their full time job!)
Advertising in this country bombards from all directions. Even people like me that try to avoid TV still find our mailboxes loaded with ads. Everything you buy from groceries to electronics comes complete with more coupons and ads trying to get you to buy even more.
As I near the end of my time here I am starting to think about the details of packing and departure. With email and cell phones you are only a text away from issues and events on the other side of the globe. A recent email regarding future visa options has sent me scrambling to collect and “authenticate” some documents.
And I did notice that it is Christmas season which adds a certain amount of time constraint to finish certain things before the holidays.
So I do feel somewhat fragmented and distracted as I think about details of packing and shipping, work plans for the next few months, national and international trends and crises, visa stuff, and whether I should even bother trying to do Christmas cards or just make it New Years’ cards, and Christmas preparations. All of that interspersed with thoughts of the people I wanted to see, books I had wanted to read, events back in the second and third of my worlds, etc.
My “laptop” does sometimes feel like it’s overloaded!
Shooting trouble
In this the first of my worlds, government and business procedures and processes are usually clearly spelled out. You are given an exact list of requirements, documentation, etc and told that the processing takes 5 working days or 10 working days or 6 weeks or whatever. And mostly it does. But in my other two worlds things are much more fuzzy. I have had to develop a technique of on-the-fly problem-solving and trouble-shooting where I don’t wait around for complete understanding because things are only completely understood in hindsight if even then. Just muddle your way through it and figure it out as you go and have no expectations as to time constraints.
Imagine my surprise when I suddenly am in such a situation here! I am supposed to switch to a different kind of visa. The consulate requires “document authentication” of things like transcripts, diplomas, birth certificates, etc. The first step is to get the documents notarized. Sounds simple. Weeeeeeeeell, not according to the 4 notary publics I talked to yesterday! Somehow the list of requirements given by the consulate does not communicate enough to me or to the 4 notaries I have talked to so far, nor to some colleagues who are also spending their Christmas season gathering documents to authenticate. I spent a couple of hours on the internet trying to get some clues plus a couple of hours on the phone and emailing colleagues to see if anybody else has come up with ideas. So far it seems that I am out in front trouble shooting on my own.
But I am not too stressed out. Annoyed, yes, but not stressed. After all, I am used to this. I just have to resign myself to spending a fair amount of time on the phone and internet and running around and just hope most of it is done before Christmas! Who knows, the answer might be just around the next corner or in the next phone call!
And if it doesn’t get finished by the time I leave? Then I guess I keep working on it from a distance!
Imagine my surprise when I suddenly am in such a situation here! I am supposed to switch to a different kind of visa. The consulate requires “document authentication” of things like transcripts, diplomas, birth certificates, etc. The first step is to get the documents notarized. Sounds simple. Weeeeeeeeell, not according to the 4 notary publics I talked to yesterday! Somehow the list of requirements given by the consulate does not communicate enough to me or to the 4 notaries I have talked to so far, nor to some colleagues who are also spending their Christmas season gathering documents to authenticate. I spent a couple of hours on the internet trying to get some clues plus a couple of hours on the phone and emailing colleagues to see if anybody else has come up with ideas. So far it seems that I am out in front trouble shooting on my own.
But I am not too stressed out. Annoyed, yes, but not stressed. After all, I am used to this. I just have to resign myself to spending a fair amount of time on the phone and internet and running around and just hope most of it is done before Christmas! Who knows, the answer might be just around the next corner or in the next phone call!
And if it doesn’t get finished by the time I leave? Then I guess I keep working on it from a distance!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Matchless Matches
In the second of my worlds, there are several brands of matches but the best is Rainbow matches. Even so, they don't all light. Sometimes the head breaks off and goes sizzling off in some crazy direction. (My face or arms have been burned more than once by flying match heads.) And usually the sides of the box wear out from repeated striking long before the matches are all gone.
But then there is Brand X. In the village market, there are always a couple of guys going around selling three boxes of Brand X matches for 15 cents. They are very agressive, they shove the matches in your basket and hold out their hand hoping to intimidate you into paying for the worst matches on earth. These matches are a royal pain to have to use. I have more than once used over half a box to light one candle. They break, the stuff they are coated with is uneven and seems to be very fire resistant. A single match usually needs to be struck multiple times before it finally lights. In the process of striking, matches frequently break, and the rough stuff in the side of the box gets shiny (and useless) from use. Many matches never do light no matter what you do. Some do light but don't stay lit long enough to get a candle burning. I avoid Brand X like the plague. The only thing they are good for is tinder for a fire - if you light the fire with something else.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Torticollis and cell phones
It appears that in this state there aren’t any laws about cell phones and driving because I certainly have noticed a lot of drivers do use them. One needs to be more on the alert for inattentive drivers than ever before. I have followed cars which were having a hard time staying in their lane and then suddenly were driving fine. The driver must have ended his/her call. Several time I have seen cars in the far left lane suddenly zoom across multiple lanes of traffic to exit on the right by drivers yakking on cell phones. When you see drivers whose mouths are moving they may not be singing or talking to themselves – most likely they are talking on a cell phone - and that’s a sign to watch out! Another sign is torticollis: abnormal postures and movements of the head. If you see a driver with their head bent to their shoulder, look out!

Yesterday while I was walking, a poodle puppy came bounding out to greet me. His owner was a woman with a crooked head who walked a bit like Lurch as she tried to call the puppy back. I thought she had torticollis or maybe left-sided weakness from a stroke or something as she seemed unable to reach for the pup with both hands and her head was oddly bent to the left resting on her shoulder. Every time I started walking again the puppy ran back towards me so I finally stopped to wait for the woman to capture her pet. It took me a few minutes to realize she was talking on a cell phone gripped between her head and shoulder. She didn’t have torticollis after all!

Yesterday while I was walking, a poodle puppy came bounding out to greet me. His owner was a woman with a crooked head who walked a bit like Lurch as she tried to call the puppy back. I thought she had torticollis or maybe left-sided weakness from a stroke or something as she seemed unable to reach for the pup with both hands and her head was oddly bent to the left resting on her shoulder. Every time I started walking again the puppy ran back towards me so I finally stopped to wait for the woman to capture her pet. It took me a few minutes to realize she was talking on a cell phone gripped between her head and shoulder. She didn’t have torticollis after all!
My sister commented in a public restroom about the need for cell phone etiquette and soon we were in a lively conversation with several other ladies on the topic. They complained of interrupted conversations as people grab for their phones, phones ringing in meetings, in church, people shouting into phones in stores, elevators, startling you, intruding in your space and forcing you to hear their one-sided conversations. Or people start talking and you think they are talking to you but aren’t.
At least people around here don’t seem to text as much. People talk as they walk but I haven't yet seen anybody out crossing streets while texting!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dusty haired people
(Oct 2009)
Now I am back in the first of my worlds for a visit. It’s often interesting what stands out. This time it was all the dusty-haired people. There are a lot of graying people to be sure. But it’s more than that. Maybe it’s partly because I am used to seeing black heads in Asia and here there are a lot of blonds and light brown haired people. Or maybe it’s because people’s hair is dry from climate, too much washing/drying/perming/dyeing, or from chlorine/fluoride in the water. I am not sure, but the visual impression I get is of a sea of dusty-haired people!
Now I am back in the first of my worlds for a visit. It’s often interesting what stands out. This time it was all the dusty-haired people. There are a lot of graying people to be sure. But it’s more than that. Maybe it’s partly because I am used to seeing black heads in Asia and here there are a lot of blonds and light brown haired people. Or maybe it’s because people’s hair is dry from climate, too much washing/drying/perming/dyeing, or from chlorine/fluoride in the water. I am not sure, but the visual impression I get is of a sea of dusty-haired people!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
August-September notes
August 2009

(Temporary coconut log bridge collapsed a few days before I left. Luckily not with me on it!)
Well it’s another hot one. Maybe there really is an El Ninyo forming. Last week the sky was brilliantly clear but this week it has that hazy, dusty tinge it gets when the fires on the next island are burning (the annual "smokey" season - see entries from Oct-Nov 2006, July 2007). It has
been raining a little but just enough to increase the humidity, not great gully-washing, roof-pounding rains that would actually cool things down.

I am teaching English in the heat of the day, from 11:00-2pm this week and next. That means I have to dress professionally (read: hot). I’m commuting from the village which means wearing a jacket too for sun protection. The commuting is actually not too bad. It is the month of fasting so traffic from the rural areas at least is really light at the times I travel, tho if I spend too long doing errands and come back after 4pm it can be rather heavy as people come out to do shopping, etc. The light traffic makes for a more pleasant commute. Traffic picks up significantly at the city limits, but since I only have to go to as far as the school, it’s not so crazy as it gets further into town.
The temporary wooden-coconut log bridge is showing signs of age and breaking at the edges but still seems safe enough for a motorbike. It’s definitely cooler in the village – not that it is cool but it is not as hot as the city. There have continued to be lots of power outages. It’s a lot more bearable out here without power than in a hot, closed up city house without power! This morning I’m actually still feeling slightly chilled with a fan at 6:15 am. According to my alarm clock it is 81 degrees. Hmmmm.
(Temporary coconut log bridge collapsed a few days before I left. Luckily not with me on it!)
ng in my lower back/waist got pulled on the trip, either from sitting so long in weird seats or possibly hoisting luggage. Domestic airlines use new contoured-for-Asian-sized seats where the "pillow" part usually hits me between the shoulder blades. The seats are also closer together so that more passengers can be crammed into the plane. If my knees aren't jammed into the seat ahead, they have to be sideways. Makes for cramped sitting. Anyhow, something got strained. Over the course of the day my back gets more and more cramped and stiff and after standing teaching for 3 hours it is downright uncomfortable. Two days ago I started sleeping on the floor. It does seem to help. Even tho the mattress on the new bed is hard, it has springs or something and maybe that little amount of shaking and movement keeps things off balance in the spine department. I also broke down and took mefanamic acid (Ponstan) last night. This morning it still feels slightly cramped/spasmed in the area but not exactly painful so that’s good. Maybe today will be better.

This country is admittedly not good for my back. Even my motorbike is a tad too short and I can’t quite sit up straight and still reach the handlebars. Mirrors if any are too low, even the new ATMs I have to bend way down to even see the keypad! Tables and seats tend to be short and I have to make a concerted effort to sit up and not hunch over. I think I have developed the habit of hunching down to fit the furniture...
September 2009
I am in the village. Friday I finished the last English class. After class I bought a new printer for one of the teams and brought it home pinched between my knees on the motorbike. Yesterday (Saturday) I set it up and printed one sheet and then it started complaining of a paper jam. (And there is no paper jam.) Nothing I do changes it and so it won't print anything, just keeps wanting somebody to clear the nonexistant paper jam. So I will have to haul the thing back to town and see if they can fix it. Sigh!
While sitting on the floor intently focusing on the printer, a kitten playing on the bed next to me decided the flashing light on my glasses was cool so he swatted at it and got a claw in my eye. Ow! Fortunately I have a tube of not-yet-expired terramycin eye ointment. Half my eye is bloody but it's not very painful and I can still see ok. So picture me tomorrow riding my motorbike squinting thru one eye with a printer in a box balanced on my knees or squeezed between my knees or something. Whoo hoo!
Three worlds

I have noticed how the brain helpfully seems to compartmentalize experiences. When I am in the second of my worlds I automatically drive on the left side of the road. Remembering names of streets and shops is always difficult upon arrival for the first few days until the brain gets the proper file to the front. Visual memory is instant but the linguistic stuff seems to take a bit longer to get to the forefront. (That means that I can still get to places even if the names of the roads I need to take aren’t on the tip of my tongue.)
This trip I was to teach a 24-hour English course and fit in visits with three teams around that. The only problem was, that I didn’t know when the course would actually start or how many of the hours could be done in one day. This seems to be the way things operate. You make a plan but no need to figure out the details until the time comes to actually do it.
Anyway, I will post some notes from that visit.
Anyway, I will post some notes from that visit.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Yard kittens and ants
Ooops! Here a couple of back entries that didn't get entered for "operational reasons". (Well, that's what the airlines say when planes are late).

There are the tiny almost no-seeum brown ants that LOVE the cat’s food dishes, and any kind of crumbs, sweet or savory. They are wide ranging and love to bite. These monsters can crawl into beds, on chairs, desks, computer keyboards, etc. They seem to live in cracks in the wall.
Then there are the medium sized red ants – miniature fire ants. These live outdoors (so far) and march in columns. They are especially attracted to dead bugs and animals, and cat food. They bite without provocation and cause quite an itchy burning bite and
the pain can last for days.
We finally declared war because it was getting so bad. We found some “ant houses” at the hardware store filled with a syrup that attracts the ants. They take it back to their nests and it kills off the whole lot. This seems to have been effective with the small brown ants. I can once again take a nap on the floor without being bitten up.
The red ants were especially annoying as they seeme to be taking over the back yard. We didn’t want to spray because of potential harm to pets and environment. And since the roof kittens are now yard kittens, we didn't want them playing with the leaky "ant houses" we used in doors. I found instructions for natural methods on the internet. So for sever
al days I would pour boiling water on the main nest holes and then douse the area with blenderized pomelo peels and water. Citrus peels are supposed to have some ingredient that insects don’t like. Pomelos have very thick skins and so I was able to quickly make a lot of the mixture. Now a month later, the ants are still there but in greatly reduced numbers and confined to a much smaller area.
August 2009
Roof kittens become yard kittens
The two kittens we had been feeding on the neighbor's roof finally came down. Luckily all this time no one has moved in yet but since that could change at any time, we needed to figure out a way to get the kittens to come down into our yard and eat there (not to mention that it would be a whole lot easier for us to feed them there!) We started putting their food closer and closer to the edge of the roof near our place. Then I started putting it on the wall between the two apartments. They protested at first but hunger overcame fear and soon they were eating on the wall. But the wall is narrow and more than once they knocked the food off the wall trying to both get at it at the same time. And the ants were becoming a problem on the wall. But the problem was, how to get them down?
With some trial and error, we made a cat ladder from tree branches, plastic twine, and left over wood, with the rungs close enough together for kitten legs. In no time at all they had figured out how to use it and now gallop up and down several times a day!
And now they have made themselves at home, playing with a rubber centipede a friend donated!
September 2009
Be careful where you sit
We have had some major ant wars recently. There are several species which like different habitat. There are the medium sized black ants w
hich mainly live outdoors but march around in columns and seem attracted to water. (See picture.) They only bite if you accidentally compress them while they are running over your body somewhere.
We have had some major ant wars recently. There are several species which like different habitat. There are the medium sized black ants w
There are the tiny almost no-seeum brown ants that LOVE the cat’s food dishes, and any kind of crumbs, sweet or savory. They are wide ranging and love to bite. These monsters can crawl into beds, on chairs, desks, computer keyboards, etc. They seem to live in cracks in the wall.
Then there are the medium sized red ants – miniature fire ants. These live outdoors (so far) and march in columns. They are especially attracted to dead bugs and animals, and cat food. They bite without provocation and cause quite an itchy burning bite and
We finally declared war because it was getting so bad. We found some “ant houses” at the hardware store filled with a syrup that attracts the ants. They take it back to their nests and it kills off the whole lot. This seems to have been effective with the small brown ants. I can once again take a nap on the floor without being bitten up.
The red ants were especially annoying as they seeme to be taking over the back yard. We didn’t want to spray because of potential harm to pets and environment. And since the roof kittens are now yard kittens, we didn't want them playing with the leaky "ant houses" we used in doors. I found instructions for natural methods on the internet. So for sever
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
More on giants
Now the son of the man who was said to be killed by a giant is complaining of chest pain. He is worried that the giant may be taking further revenge on him. So he left his carpentry job in the city to go see the quack doctor in the village. This is the same young man who survived 13 stab wounds a couple years ago plus a couple bouts of pneumonia afterwards. I suspect it is more due to the fact that he suddenly took up smoking during his father's illness, but what do I know?
He was somewhat relieved when the quack doctor assured him it wasn't the giant but rather a dead grandmother who is demanding some chickens.
I can't help wondering why grandparents who loved us in life would now turn against us in death and become malevolent.
He was somewhat relieved when the quack doctor assured him it wasn't the giant but rather a dead grandmother who is demanding some chickens.
I can't help wondering why grandparents who loved us in life would now turn against us in death and become malevolent.
Still amusing ourselves to death
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Slain by a Giant????
Giants are apparently large spirit beings who like to live in certain trees, especially large trees with heavy shade. They are said to be able to cause mischief if you inadvertantly disturb them.
A friend’s brother recently became sick. He was 50 years old. Last week there were rumors that a “friend” of his whose father was a renowned practitioner of black magic had put “poison” in his food. But, this week they said it was a giant.
There was an old mango tree on his property which had been there since he was a boy. It’s a tree that bears the smelly mangoes, they are very sweet but have an unusually pungent odor and not everyone likes them. Some neighbors recently asked if they could cut the tree down and use it to make charcoal, a common way for rural folk to make a bit of cash. Since not many people are interested in buying the fruit, he agreed and it was done. But, soon afterward he became ill. According to the quack doctor, there had been a giant living in that tree and he was angry because it was cut down. The quack doctor recommended that they do a certain ceremony with a white chicken and 8 eggs. They did do the ceremony but it didn't do any good.
From what I could tell, the man had lived a hard life. His wife died soon after their third child was born, nearly 20 years ago. He left the kids with his parents to raise and he went to the city and spent many years as a pedicab driver. His meager earnings were spent mostly on drinking. He often just slept in his pedicab rather than rent a room. He smoked and drank for years and didn’t eat well. After his father died 5 years ago, he moved back home with his mother and worked some on the family farm but continued smoking and drinking heavily with his friends. When I heard that he was complaining of lack of appetite, weight loss, difficulty breathing, swelling, I assumed that he was probably starting to have problems with liver failure.
But, what do I know? Whatever it was, he died this morning. His entire family was present as he had requested. But I do wonder what they will put on the death certificate.....
A friend’s brother recently became sick. He was 50 years old. Last week there were rumors that a “friend” of his whose father was a renowned practitioner of black magic had put “poison” in his food. But, this week they said it was a giant.
There was an old mango tree on his property which had been there since he was a boy. It’s a tree that bears the smelly mangoes, they are very sweet but have an unusually pungent odor and not everyone likes them. Some neighbors recently asked if they could cut the tree down and use it to make charcoal, a common way for rural folk to make a bit of cash. Since not many people are interested in buying the fruit, he agreed and it was done. But, soon afterward he became ill. According to the quack doctor, there had been a giant living in that tree and he was angry because it was cut down. The quack doctor recommended that they do a certain ceremony with a white chicken and 8 eggs. They did do the ceremony but it didn't do any good.
From what I could tell, the man had lived a hard life. His wife died soon after their third child was born, nearly 20 years ago. He left the kids with his parents to raise and he went to the city and spent many years as a pedicab driver. His meager earnings were spent mostly on drinking. He often just slept in his pedicab rather than rent a room. He smoked and drank for years and didn’t eat well. After his father died 5 years ago, he moved back home with his mother and worked some on the family farm but continued smoking and drinking heavily with his friends. When I heard that he was complaining of lack of appetite, weight loss, difficulty breathing, swelling, I assumed that he was probably starting to have problems with liver failure.
But, what do I know? Whatever it was, he died this morning. His entire family was present as he had requested. But I do wonder what they will put on the death certificate.....
Rat Update
June 8, 2009
Since we have been able to close the windows we have not had any more nocturnal damage to our fruit and vegetables. But it sure does make the place hot! The rat has not yet given up trying to get in. For the last three days he has apparently tried to climb up the glass and has left his urine all over the outside. We know he is BIG because the glass panes still have nearly a ½ inch gap between them. I am sure if he could get through, he would have done so. (Though he would still have to deal with our new screen.)
Saturday much of our white cement and saltine cracker mixture that we put at the back of the empty apartment next door had disappered. We refilled it and put out more dishes. Sunday I didn’t go check the dishes next door but the BIG rat had again left evidence of trying to get in through the window. I bought a kilo of bread crumbs from a bakery. It must have cake crumbs in it too because it smells really good! This afternoon we
went to refill the bait bowls with the bread/cake/cement mixture we saw a dead rat in the path! Hooray! (But it wasn’t the BIG rat.) From the smell there are more like it down at the basement entry. Hopefully the new bait will smell as good to the rest of the rats as it does to me. I also bought some shrimp flavored Knorr cubes as a further taste treat if needed. We also found a plug-in rat repellant so we can try that too though of course it doesn’t solve the problem, it only (hopefully) sends them elsewhere. I’m not quite ready to leave the window glass open at night, though.
July 4, 2009
The rats se
em to have vanished. We have had no more nocturnal visitors, we no longer hear them in the daytime and we haven't seen any at night either. We no longer find their droppings all over the yard, and we have barbecued a couple of times with no visitors! I gues the cement and bread crumbs did the trick. We recently got new neighbors who cleaned up a big pile of old cans and rubbish in their yard so we hope things will stay calm.
Unfortunately, the new mama cat died a couple of weeks ago. We think she died of poisoning because she died rather suddenly and we know other neighbors use rat poison. With three growing kittens she had been very busy hunting. Her three kittens were under the roof next door. We tried to catch them but only got one which died shortly afterwards. (They hide deep under the roof and we can't get at them.) We thought maybe all three had eaten of the same poison rat but suprisingly the other two have survived. They are very shy and startle easily. We have been putting food out 2
-3 times a day and when all is quiet we can sometimes see them come out and eat. Fortunately no one has yet moved into the next door apartment on that side so we can go through there every day to put food on the roof. But we haven't figured out how to get them. I hope they will eventually be willing to come into our yard.
Friday, June 05, 2009
More rats!
We put out a mixture of bread and cracker crumbs mixed with cement that night. We taped the screen. We moved some junk away from beneath the window that we thought they had climbed up. We set the TUFFCAT traps on the window sill. We tri
Yesterday morning there was no evidence that the rats had gotten in. But this morning they obviously had gotten in, we lost a couple bananas and another sweet potato. Unfortunately the rats do not like my mixture of cement and cracker crumbs. (Only the cockroaches and ants liked it.)
Luckily for us, the owner’s handyman showed up this morning to work on one of the empty apartments. He had enough extra screening to change our holey one. He also was able to get the third window to close. So now we are feeling a bit more hopeful about keeping the rats out tonight! Very good timing too as today was market day and we have a whole new supply of fruit and vegetables!
They say that if you are seeing rats in the daytime that means there are a lot of them. So there must be a lot of them because today I saw one sitting on top of a wall in the heat of the day. (Watching us?!) Unfortunately mama cat was looking hopefully at me and had her back to it. Otherwise she surely could have gotten that one!
The handyman in all seriousness advised us to not talk harshly to the rats lest they become angry and really wreak vengenace. Ha! Do the rats speak English?!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
We have been having problems with rats lately. A few weeks ago neighbors on both sides put out poison, which by the smell did kill several but it also killed a couple of the neighborhood cats who apparently caught poisoned rats staggering around before they died. So with the decreased cat population, the rats have been able to mount a major come back since they reproduce much faster than cats do.

We ourselves are down to one cat. He is the cat equivalent of an arm chair sportsman when it comes to catching rats. He loves to sit at the edge of the drain and watch them below, but when faced with two or three on his level he just wants to come inside.
What to do? Well, I don’t want to put out poison because we don’t need to thin the neighborhood cat population any more. In addition to p
oison, the stores offer traps and rat glue and glue boards. The idea of the rat glue is that you smear it on a board and stick some bait in the middle. When the rat comes it’ll stick to the glue. You can also buy ready made “boards” with the glue already on it. It’s the same idea as fly paper but on a grander scale. The downside is that you then get to kill it. But that’s not the only downside. Rats often get only partially trapped and will drag the glue-coated board with them sometimes great distances, sometimes smearing glue all over everything in between. We once tried it in the village. One dragged the board until he fell in some water and drowned. But the worst was one morning we found only a paw. No idea where it came from but several unpleasant scenarios can
be imagined. I decided that even rats don’t deserve that.

There are wire cage type traps but you are then stuck with killing the rat and getting it back out of the cage in whatever order you can make work. What I really wanted was an old fashioned spring loaded rat trap
that kills the thing right off. After visiting 4 hardware stores, however, it seems there is a big demand right now and they were all out of stock. Finally we found something called TUFFCAT rat trap.
The TUFFCAT rat trap is a plastic gizmo a bit bigger than a computer mouse but otherwise very similar in shape. It’s easy to set and load the bait. So we tried it.
Below you can see a rat sneering at our TUFFCAT. His buddy is just out of view.

Here he is eating the bait.
Here he is eating the bait.
The trap did eventually spring but all it accomplished was to startle the rats. They came back later to see if any of the bait got dropped.
So I guess we have to try something else.
Someone once told me that plaster of Paris is a way to kill rats without endangering cats, dogs, and birds. You simply mix it in dry food. Unlike cats, dogs and people, rats can’t vomit and the stuff apparently hardens inside and kills them. Now if I can figure out what plaster of Paris is called around here...
So I guess we have to try something else.
Someone once told me that plaster of Paris is a way to kill rats without endangering cats, dogs, and birds. You simply mix it in dry food. Unlike cats, dogs and people, rats can’t vomit and the stuff apparently hardens inside and kills them. Now if I can figure out what plaster of Paris is called around here...
What do you do when your shoes fall apart?
Today I sat down to put on my sports shoes and noticed that one shoe was “smiling”. Oops! Not a good idea to do stair stepping with a smiling shoe. Guess I need to go out and buy some more glue. But I have an old pair of sport shoes too. When you have big feet and you live in SE Asia even when you get new shoes you are not hasty about throwing out the old ones because you never know. Like tonight.
So I pulled out the old shoes and put them on and went to crank up the VCD and set up the step. Then I noticed some stuff in the floor - like some little kid had dropped c
And, until I can go out and get some glue I guess I’ll be doing Pilates...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
On fragrant canals
Some things never change. Way back in 1971 John Perkins, the author of The Secret History Of The American Empire, went for his first stroll in the capital city of the second of my worlds. Here is his first impression:
...In an attempt to avoid being run over I nearly stepped into a gutter that was black as tar, littered with garbage, and reeking of urine.Well said. He could write the exact same thing today in 2009.
The gutter drained down a steep incline to one of the many canals built by the Dutch during the colonial era. Now stagnant, its surface was covered with a green and putrid-looking scum; the stench that arose from it was nearly intolerable. It seemed preposterous that the inventive people who had turned the sea into farmland had attempted to recreate Amsterdam amid this tropical heat. The canal, like the gutter that fed it, overflowed with debris. I could even distinguish the two by their distinctive stenches. The gutter had an immediacy about its odor, rotting fruit and urine, while the canal carried a darker, longer-term pungency, the mixture of human excrement and decay.
I continued along, dodging the bicycle cabs that hugged the sides of the road. Beyond them, in the mainstream of the thoroughfare, was a frenzy of automobile and motorbike traffic; the sound of honking horns, backfiring engines, and muffler-deprived cars was overwhelming, as was the acrid stench of oil on hot pavement and gas fumes in the humid air. The weight of all this began to impact me physically.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Teachers to loose jobs because of swine flu?
This would be funny if it wasn’t potentially dangerous. At a rural junior high school in the second of my worlds, the teachers sat around gossiping in the teachers’ lounge as usual. But today things got out of hand. Instead of the usual topics of money and their sex lives, they started discussing swine flu. One thing led to another and soon the majority of the teachers there, being followers (sort of) of a certain prophet, declared that the minority of teachers, being followers of religions that permit pork consumption, should all be transferred elsewhere. The connection with swine flu was obscure but perhaps they thought that because of the name “swine flu” that people are catching the flu from pigs and after all, didn’t the government run around spraying pigs a few days ago? So it seemed logical to them somehow that getting rid of teachers whose religions permit them to eat pork would somehow prevent swine flu. They got quite heated up about it and began referring to students and teachers of said religions as “unclean outsiders that stink of balsem”. Unfortunately they didn’t consider that 75% of the student body belong to one of those religions. Word got out and by the end of the day, parents of 75% of the students were up in arms and threatening to transfer their kids elsewhere.
Moral of story: engage brain before opening mouth, ESPECIALLY if you are a teacher.
Moral of story: engage brain before opening mouth, ESPECIALLY if you are a teacher.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Spraying pigs to prevent swine flu??
It is unfortunate when people take action without knowledge. 
It seems that the "swine" part of the name of the current flu pandemic is having repercussions around the world. It was announced that fear of swine flu recently led the Egyptian parliment to demand that all pigs be slaughtered. The reaction in the second of my worlds hasn't been quite that drastic but I got a text message this morning that people supposedly from the health department had been going around the area "spraying pigs against pig flu".
Remembering the "spraying against dengue" that was done a few weeks ago, I wondered what on earth they could be doing. This flu isn't being spread by pigs, pigs are not getting sick, and as far as I know there is no vaccine out yet and even if there was it would likely be injected not sprayed.
The villagers were in a bit of an upheaval because they are concerned that their pigs are being sprayed with some kind of poison or even a virus to make them get sick and die. They are very aware of the paranoia towards pigs by some of the folk of a different religion and they well remember the attacks on pig farms by some fanatics a few years ago.
A quick check on the internet showed a few stories on how the department of health in various parts of the country has begun spraying pigs with disinfectant. More texting back and forth revealed that the pigs had been sprayed as well as the area around them and that it was odorless. And at least one family had just flatly refused to let their pigs be sprayed. I told them about the spraying with disinfectant and suggested that it was probably okay and wouldn't hurt the pigs.
I do wish the folk from the health department would put a bit more effort into explaining things to people.
I am not sure how much good spraying bleach water on all the pigs will do towards stopping this human flu pandemic but perhaps it makes nervous people feel like the government is doing something?

It seems that the "swine" part of the name of the current flu pandemic is having repercussions around the world. It was announced that fear of swine flu recently led the Egyptian parliment to demand that all pigs be slaughtered. The reaction in the second of my worlds hasn't been quite that drastic but I got a text message this morning that people supposedly from the health department had been going around the area "spraying pigs against pig flu".
Remembering the "spraying against dengue" that was done a few weeks ago, I wondered what on earth they could be doing. This flu isn't being spread by pigs, pigs are not getting sick, and as far as I know there is no vaccine out yet and even if there was it would likely be injected not sprayed.
The villagers were in a bit of an upheaval because they are concerned that their pigs are being sprayed with some kind of poison or even a virus to make them get sick and die. They are very aware of the paranoia towards pigs by some of the folk of a different religion and they well remember the attacks on pig farms by some fanatics a few years ago.
A quick check on the internet showed a few stories on how the department of health in various parts of the country has begun spraying pigs with disinfectant. More texting back and forth revealed that the pigs had been sprayed as well as the area around them and that it was odorless. And at least one family had just flatly refused to let their pigs be sprayed. I told them about the spraying with disinfectant and suggested that it was probably okay and wouldn't hurt the pigs.
I do wish the folk from the health department would put a bit more effort into explaining things to people.
I am not sure how much good spraying bleach water on all the pigs will do towards stopping this human flu pandemic but perhaps it makes nervous people feel like the government is doing something?
Saturday, May 02, 2009
The rabies got a bit more personal all of a sudden

It bled a lot, dripping all over the floor on my way to the bathroon to wash it. That is good they say, for cleaning out a wound. I washed it well with soap and plenty of water. Somebody had some betadine so I applied that. Coincidentally, a teenager in the house had been bit by the neighbor’s dog earlier in the day. That dog probably isn’t rabid, he just likes to bite. When the neighbor got home she came over and brought some grated up pulp from a particular tree that they say draws out poisons. So they packed the teenager’s wound and my finger with it. It was cool and soothing but after an hour I took it off and reapplied betadine. My wound wasn’t particularly painful but of course we are all aware that the mother was recently killed for presumed rabies.
From what I have gathered, the incubation for rabies in dogs is usually 3-6 weeks but can be as long as 6 months. The virus works its way up the nerves into the brain and when it gets to the brain it infects the saliva glands and the saliva is what carries the infection to other animals or people. That is also when the symptoms start. So apparently the animal is not contagious until about the time the symptoms start or a couple days earlier. That is why they say to observe the animal 10 days. If it was coming down with the disease, it will be showing definite symptoms in that time. If the dog is not sick within 10 days, then it was not infectious at the time of the bite – even though presumably the animal might still come down with the disease at a later date.
To comfort (?!) me they told me all about a 10-year old boy in the next village who had died of rabies a couple years ago. He got it from a puppy that they didn’t know had rabies. (Puppies die from all sorts of things.) They told me about a 20 year old girl from another village who had also died of rabies of unclear origen. So rabies is definitely endemic in the area. In fact, one of these puppies was killed in the night presumably by a rabid dog. Fortunately for me, that puppy was not the one that bit me.
The government has intermittent campaigns to vaccinate dogs and there are antirabies shots for those bitten, although with the chronic electricity problems in the area one wonders how viable the vaccine is. After arriving back in the third of my worlds a few days ago I heard that rabies is also an ongoing problem here though they seem to have made more progress in getting animals vaccinated routinely. They also vaccinate water buffalo, cattle and horses. I told the vet about my adventure with the puppies and he confirmed what I had found out about incubation, etc. He also suggested that I considered getting vaccinated against rabies since I am often in a high-risk area. He himself gets an annual booster. He also advised me that the next time I want to break up a dog fight to just use water!
Anyway, I am now past the 10-days and the puppies are still healthy.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
On rabid dogs
April 10, 2009
I always hate it when they kill a dog. Today they clubbed a dog whose pups are about 6 weeks old. She looked and acted like she had rabies. She was normally good natured but a couple nights ago I noticed her attacking dogs that usually would attack her. Yesterday I noticed she was running around a lot and snarling at her pups when they wanted to nurse, even nipping them. I tried to feed her last night but she seemed to have trouble eating, she'd eat a little and then have to stop and cough. She was obviously hungry but seemed unable to eat. This morning she was chasing everything - cats, chickens, other dogs and running a lot. She kept coming back though and smelling her pups front and back. By midday her mouth seemed frozen partly open, though she did come and let her pups nurse once.
They clubbed her just now. There is no cure for rabies and if she were to bite anybody it would be a disaster. Even so we don't know how if any of the other dogs she attacked may have become infected. Her puppies may also already be infected. Sigh.
The teenage boys plan to eat the dog.
Rabies in humans is a big problem in the second and third of my worlds and there are usually a few dozen deaths each year from rabies. One 10 year old boy in thos village died a couple years ago from a puppy bite - a puppy they did not know had rabies. The post-bite vaccines are available but apparently are expensive and can only be gotten in a big city where there is electricity. Poor rural folk find the cost of the vaccines and the cost of getting to the city and staying there for the duration prohibitive. And sometimes you don’t know the dog is rabid.
The teenage boys plan to eat the dog.
Rabies in humans is a big problem in the second and third of my worlds and there are usually a few dozen deaths each year from rabies. One 10 year old boy in thos village died a couple years ago from a puppy bite - a puppy they did not know had rabies. The post-bite vaccines are available but apparently are expensive and can only be gotten in a big city where there is electricity. Poor rural folk find the cost of the vaccines and the cost of getting to the city and staying there for the duration prohibitive. And sometimes you don’t know the dog is rabid.
April 4, 2009
Elections seem to be occuring more and more frequently. When I was here last
October/November there was also a campaign going on for regional head. Next week are national elections where the people choose representatives to the provincial and national parliments. The roads are lined with an incredible number and variety of flags and posters. I am told that there are 44 parties each with different candidiates.
I should also explain that in the presence of many languages, and a high rate of minimal literacy, symbols and pictures are very important here. Each party also has a number which is very important
At the school where I have been teaching I saw a letter posted on the bulletin board from some interchurch body. It said that they had been asked for guidance on voting so they got together and came up with several guidelines. According to them, you
shouldn’t vote for a party which was likely to receive less than 2.5% of the vote as your vote would essentially be wasted since such a party couldn’t win. They also said you should chose a party that wasn’t aligned to a particular religion but should instead vote for a party committed to the rights of all people, and they listed several examples. Then they said you should look for experienced parties which had experience in governing and they narrowed it down to two. Lastly they said you should not belong to the “white party”, the euphemism for those who don’t vote.

When discussing that letter with one guy, he objected strongly to the narrowing the choices down to two and he also felt that telling people it was wrong to not vote was wrong too. He felt that people should have the right to not vote if that was their decision.
Out in the village I heard further discusion of the matter. Many said that 44 parties was way too many, how could you even know what they stood for. Some felt that not voting was the best option in the midst of too many choices. One guy opined that y
ou could easily eliminate a lot of them because they were religious parties and had cresent moons and stars in their symbols. (Indeed, it did look a bit like they were electing the Minister of Religion rather than parliment representatives.) I also noticed several posters which had Arabic writing or ladies in headscarves. So eliminating those would narrow the field down quite a bit. Many of the people running are well known in the area. One popular traditional party has as its candidate a former governor. But that governor was on trial for corruption not too long ago. I assume he was cleared or surely he wouldn’t be running for parliment but some locals seemed to write him and his party off because of that case. They apparently assume he was guilty.

Perception is everything.
April 30, 2009
Election day cane and went. Several people at the last minute decided not to vote. Others who did go expressed concern that they had done it incorrectly. As the counts come in, people in general seemed glum. The largest recipient of votes (the party of the current president) garnered only 20% of the votes which means 80% of voters are disappointed. Some expressed amazement that that party had gotten that many votes and immediately speculated that the counting had been rigged. Stories were out about various losing candidates becoming clinically depressed or even suicidal. Only the top 10 of the 48 parties are listed as potentially winning parlimentary seats.
Oh, well, there's another election coming up later this year. That one will be for president. Interestingly, no one seems quite sure when it will be...
Traffic, uh, Flow

While teaching these past three weeks, I have had the interesting experience of driving a motorbike and experiencing up close – very close - the traffic patterns here. Every town has its unique characteristics even within the same country. Traffic in this country tends to resemble a stream gurgling over and around rocks on its relentless path down the mountain. But it seems in recent years some serious eddies, whirlpools, and riptide rapids have developed in this town.
People drive on
the left side of the road so for those of you from right-handed places, just think the opposite to get the same effect. In other words turning right here is like turning left for you. The majority of vehicles on the road are motorbikes but there are also plenty of cars, and some trucks and horse carts and man-pushed carts.

The single most important unwritten rule seems to be do not ever stop if it can at all be avoided, and its corollary, avoid slowing down. Thus we have people wanting to turn right (left) who won’t stop and wait for a gap in traffic, they just turn right (left) and drive along the edge of the road on the wrong side of the road waiting for an opportunity to finally zoom over on the proper side of the road. I have seen people 2-3 blocks later still driving down the wrong side of the road who haven’t yet been able to get over. (Had they stopped and waited there was a big gap in the traffic coming up but since they couldn’t wait, they end up following the crowd and can’t get over.)
This of course produces hazards for others. As you drive innocently down the road on the proper side you may have to squeeze uncomfortably close between those right-turners driving down the wrong side of the road and people in the oncoming traffic who are in a big hurry and swing way out into your lane to pass someone.
Passing is wild too. People pass on the right and on the left. A wise driver never swerves because you never know what might be coming up behind you in a big hurry. While vehicles here do come equipped with turn signals, it appears to be optional as to whether you use them. And even if they are on there's no guarantee that the correct signal is on. You must learn to read minds as to whether the vehicle ahead of you or in the oncoming traffic is planning to turn and you must keep your foot near the brake at all times as precious seconds count when you guess wrong.
There are several traffic lights in town now too. The lights rarely all function and with the constant
blackouts, they often don’t function at all. From observation, it appears that a yellow light is mere decoration. A red light means keep going as long as somebody ahead of you is still going. You don’t want to be the first vehicle stopped at a light. People turning right (left) tend to start turning from half a block back cutting across the oncoming traffic’s lane and pose serious hazards to the first vehicle stopped at the red light since they nearly get clipped by the folk turning.
In addition, people waiting at a red light to turn right (left) typically start a new right (left) turn lane on the oncoming traffic’s side of the line. Usually this is just motorbikes but sometimes even cars will do it. As you can imagine, this can cause serious traffic blockages as the oncoming traffic has to squeeze through what’s left of their lane. Last Friday I had to sit through three cycles of red lights because of this type of gridlock. And this is NOT a big city.

In addition, people waiting at a red light to turn right (left) typically start a new right (left) turn lane on the oncoming traffic’s side of the line. Usually this is just motorbikes but sometimes even cars will do it. As you can imagine, this can cause serious traffic blockages as the oncoming traffic has to squeeze through what’s left of their lane. Last Friday I had to sit through three cycles of red lights because of this type of gridlock. And this is NOT a big city.
This behavior is not just young high school kids. I have seen government workers in uniform do the same. I have even seen policemen do it. And it is not my imagination, I have talked to several others (natives) who see t

Several years ago before the internet was very common in SE Asia I used to have to babysit a computer that would receive an international phone call every night some time after 10pm with the bundled email for our office. We had the only phone with a modern line capable of receiving digital signals with minimal garbling. I had to make sure the computer was on and booted up and then would wait for the call and make sure the info was completely downloaded before turning it off. While waiting I would play games that were installed on it. I remember noticing at the time that playing the games had noticeably improved my manual dexterity which had sort of gotten rusty after several years of village living. I think it was also helpful in improving hand eye coordination and helping me in my driving now especially as I try to anticipate moving targets, etc. My impression: a certain amount of video gaming may be beneficial for driving!
Addenda 4-30-09 It occurred to me the other day that the basic thing going on is that people drive like they walk. People on foot do not stop, nor do they bother with lanes or staright lines, they just walk around obstructions and cut across to where ever they are going, whenever there’s an opening at whatever angle it takes, but they never stop walking.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Avoiding dengue fever--
It is 8:15pm and the temperature in my room has finally dropped to 90 degrees. Earth Day or Hour or whatever it was has passed and we DID have power so I spent it sitting in front of the fan! (I'm off to the village tomorrow seeking some slightly cooler place.)
I am teaching a class on cross cultural communication and one thing we talked about is how people can see the same event and have very different perceptions of it. Or people have the same experience and interpret it very differently. Today when I arrived to teach I was almost overcome by the strong chemical/pesticide smell. The place I teach is a large school complex with several hundred students from kindergarten through high school and college. Apparently government workers had been by earlier in the day and sprayed for mosquitos for the prevention of dengue fever. They sprayed while all the kids were present. Some of the children had vomited.
Not only was I practically gagging at the odor myself, I was horrified that they had sprayed with the kids all there running around. All sorts of questions flood my mind - do they not know that the spray is poisonous? Why don't they spray in the afternoon or on a weekend? I wondered if the sprayers even take any protective measures themselves? Etc.
But I was apparently the only one who was upset. Everyone else just laughed or said that that was just the way they do it here.
I suppose so. Just like the article I read recently which said gold miners on a neighboring island sometimes rub mercury all over their skin to make them strong....
I am teaching a class on cross cultural communication and one thing we talked about is how people can see the same event and have very different perceptions of it. Or people have the same experience and interpret it very differently. Today when I arrived to teach I was almost overcome by the strong chemical/pesticide smell. The place I teach is a large school complex with several hundred students from kindergarten through high school and college. Apparently government workers had been by earlier in the day and sprayed for mosquitos for the prevention of dengue fever. They sprayed while all the kids were present. Some of the children had vomited.
Not only was I practically gagging at the odor myself, I was horrified that they had sprayed with the kids all there running around. All sorts of questions flood my mind - do they not know that the spray is poisonous? Why don't they spray in the afternoon or on a weekend? I wondered if the sprayers even take any protective measures themselves? Etc.
But I was apparently the only one who was upset. Everyone else just laughed or said that that was just the way they do it here.
I suppose so. Just like the article I read recently which said gold miners on a neighboring island sometimes rub mercury all over their skin to make them strong....
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Earth Day

It’s 8:35am and 85 degrees. The power is still on but the internet has died. It is best in the morning or late at night, perhaps due to high demand or some system of business prioritization. Or maybe the power is off at the phone company.
I have now taught three days of Cross-Cultural Communication, of which I know nothing. I really need to learn to just say “no” to some of these requests! I have materials but no real idea how to use them or where I’m going with the class. It’s all complicated by my own fighting against the environment. The heat and humidity have been rugged. It is hot in the day and muggy at night with several-hour long downpours at night. The electricity is often off more than it is on, especially in the daytime. So, no fan to counteract the heat. It’s a wonder my skin hasn’t rotted off yet since it is rarely dry. My face and neck in particular just run with sweat until the front of my blouse is as wet as a slobbering baby’s.
I teach at high noon so am hot and bothered when I arrive. I try to get there early so I can sit and cool off but of course it takes quite awhile to cool off when it’s over 90. Being endocrinally challenged doesn’t help. And I have to dress professionally AND wear a jacket while on the motorbike. Overheating is unavoidable and to a large extent untreatable.
At the house where I am staying, when the power comes on you jump up and plug the water pump in. Then you run around filling things, washing clothes and dishes, maybe cooking while you’re at it to take advantage of there being water. Sweating profusely all the while. You also need to remember to charge all the accoutrements of modern living such as cellphones and computers. If you remember, you can reset the wireless internet and check your email. The pump no longer has automatic turn-off so you have to keep an eye on it and go unplug it when you aren’t actually filling anything. There’s an automatic washing machine here which is incredibly slow filling. To save the pump, I’ve been filling buckets and helping the machine fill. Then you go unplug the pump while the machine washes. When it’s ready to rinse you go plug the pump in again, fill buckets, etc. For this week I am the only one here so I do it all.
When the power goes off I can work on my computer until both batteries are drained – usually 2-3 hours. Then I just lay on the tile floor and try to stay still and cool off a bit. I have an MP3 player and have been listening to various pre-recorded radio broadcasts and talks and lectures so it’s not been a total waste of time. At least you don’t need a light to do that.
And yet, I also have to count my blessings. I am staying at a clean house that actually can get some cross breeze in the afternoon. It is safe, the roof doesn’t leak. I am only teaching once a day. I do not have to dress up and go out to any social events in the dark in the evenings. There IS a water pump and a washing machine, I do not have to hand pump and hand wash like I would in the village. There are screens on the windows so it is fairly mosquito- and fly-free. I have money to buy food. I only have to cook and wash for one, not for a whole family.
So go ahead and turn off your lights if you wish, but as for me, I'm all FOR leaving the lights on!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Competition of the mosques
It is 5:01am. There is a bass voice rumbling on with a lot of vibrato coming from the neighborhood mosque. The call to prayer, judging by the dull moan in the background from all over the rest of the city, was around 4:41am. But the mosque next door seems to be on a different time table than everyone else. It started sounding at least an hour before that, I didn’t check the clock but probably before 4am. Then its call to prayer was at least 10 minutes before the rest of the mosques. It is now continuing on with more chanting. The last several evenings too they have had an hour of chanting before the 6pm call to prayer in which a man calls out something and a couple of women’s voices then repeat it. It is very repetitious in intonation and cadence, almost trance-producing.
Mosque noises have always intrigued me because, except for Friday noon sermons, they are rarely intelligible and so I wonder who it is for. Presumably they are speaking Arabic but of course since hardly anybody knows any Arabic, they could be just making it up. Apparently it is sacreligious to use an intelligible language. I remember reading about a guy in another part of the country who was teaching people to pray in the national language and was thrown in jail for defaming the religion. Perhaps it is thought that they are speaking to God. If so, it is wondrously easy to talk to God in this day and age of electronic recordings. Indeed, if God likes hearing it, one wonders why they don’t just play it all day and all night? (Maybe the neighborhood mosque is on a
campaign to do just that!)
I always look at it as basically a city-wide alarm clock to waken the faithful and unfaithful alike with the hope that they’ll crawl out of the sack and do their ritual. Most people can roll over and go back to sleep after the call to prayer, which in itself is beautiful in a mournful sort of way. But this hour of pre-call to prayer and the 30 minute post-call to prayer vibrato stuff was too much for me today. That is why I am up on the internet writing this.
A few years ago a professor, who is also of said faith, was commenting on a recent spate of increased noise and said that some mosque operators seem to think God is deaf. So I gather that there is currently another competition going on between the various “denominations”. My hypothesis is that our neighborhood mosque belongs to one of the newer varieties and not to the traditional variety most common in this area and perhaps seeks to win over more adherents by showing that it is more holy via its noise campaign. Certain people might indeed find that attractive because after all, maybe holiness can rub off on you, and a person can’t have too much holiness when facing Judgement Day.
Mosque noises have always intrigued me because, except for Friday noon sermons, they are rarely intelligible and so I wonder who it is for. Presumably they are speaking Arabic but of course since hardly anybody knows any Arabic, they could be just making it up. Apparently it is sacreligious to use an intelligible language. I remember reading about a guy in another part of the country who was teaching people to pray in the national language and was thrown in jail for defaming the religion. Perhaps it is thought that they are speaking to God. If so, it is wondrously easy to talk to God in this day and age of electronic recordings. Indeed, if God likes hearing it, one wonders why they don’t just play it all day and all night? (Maybe the neighborhood mosque is on a
I always look at it as basically a city-wide alarm clock to waken the faithful and unfaithful alike with the hope that they’ll crawl out of the sack and do their ritual. Most people can roll over and go back to sleep after the call to prayer, which in itself is beautiful in a mournful sort of way. But this hour of pre-call to prayer and the 30 minute post-call to prayer vibrato stuff was too much for me today. That is why I am up on the internet writing this.
A few years ago a professor, who is also of said faith, was commenting on a recent spate of increased noise and said that some mosque operators seem to think God is deaf. So I gather that there is currently another competition going on between the various “denominations”. My hypothesis is that our neighborhood mosque belongs to one of the newer varieties and not to the traditional variety most common in this area and perhaps seeks to win over more adherents by showing that it is more holy via its noise campaign. Certain people might indeed find that attractive because after all, maybe holiness can rub off on you, and a person can’t have too much holiness when facing Judgement Day.
The Mayor vs The Church seems to be on hold for the moment as outrage over the murder of the young teacher has taken front and center in the news. Meanwhile I am back in the second of my worlds for a few weeks....
Monday, March 09, 2009
Apparently the spat between The Mayor and The Church has been put on temporary hold due to recent events. Another summary execution, but not by the masked bike riders.
A few days ago a 20-year old woman was kidnapped on her way home from her college in this city. She is the daughter of the head of one of the main rebel groups. Her body was found a couple days later in a canal on the outskirts of the city. She had died of multiple stab wounds and showed evidence of torture. It is not yet known who was responsible but speculation is rampant. Members of the rebel group assume it was the military. The Mayor has begun his own investigation and announced the other day that he is 70% sure it was not anyone from a government agency. The modus operandus led a leader of a consortium of activist groups to speculate that the perpetrator was a certain retired general. According to her, those killers are new in this area and are not part of the usual assortment of thugs which are under observation by security forces. Whoever did it was smart enough to make a fake license plate to display on the vehicle used.
The papers, The Mayor, the local military chief all pointed out that killing family members of rebel leaders makes their own families vulnerable to similar attacks and condemned it most strongly.
Some of the ordinary folk conceed that they could see somebody wanting revenge on her father since he has been responsible for the death and maiming of many. But everyone seems appalled that such a thing should happen to a young woman who by all accounts was not involved in her father's rebellion.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
The Mayor vs The Church, Part 1
What happens when an irresistable force meets an immoveable object? Maybe we will find out as The Mayor and The Church square off.
Recently some of the local officals of The Church have been overtly accusing The Mayor of the vigilante-type killings of drug pushers in town, They are saying that if he is not personally behind it then he is protecting those who are. (And maybe since he’s the mayor, that makes him ultimately responsible for what goes on in the city.) They are outraged at the continued extrajudicial killings, and have demanded that he speak with them in private. The Mayor has steadfastly denied that he has anything to do with it and says that he is happy to have a meeting but it must be in public.
Last week The Church racheted things up by printing a 2 page prayer that all the faithful in the city are required to pray at the end of the church service in which the faithful were pointedly required to, among other things, ask forgiveness for the sin of “hating” drug pushers, and to pray for the souls of the innocent killed by extrajudicial vigilantes on mere suspicion. The prayer also pointedly mentions "the lustful greed in the hooded killers on motorbikes" etc. Of course The Mayor was outraged and said that while it’s fine to pray for the dead, the prayer is incomplete and should also include prayer for the victims and families of the death and destruction caused by drug pushers. He also intimated that he knew some dirt on certain local Church officials and that they should clean up their own act before presuming to interfere with others.
Stay tuned for further developments....
Recently some of the local officals of The Church have been overtly accusing The Mayor of the vigilante-type killings of drug pushers in town, They are saying that if he is not personally behind it then he is protecting those who are. (And maybe since he’s the mayor, that makes him ultimately responsible for what goes on in the city.) They are outraged at the continued extrajudicial killings, and have demanded that he speak with them in private. The Mayor has steadfastly denied that he has anything to do with it and says that he is happy to have a meeting but it must be in public.
Last week The Church racheted things up by printing a 2 page prayer that all the faithful in the city are required to pray at the end of the church service in which the faithful were pointedly required to, among other things, ask forgiveness for the sin of “hating” drug pushers, and to pray for the souls of the innocent killed by extrajudicial vigilantes on mere suspicion. The prayer also pointedly mentions "the lustful greed in the hooded killers on motorbikes" etc. Of course The Mayor was outraged and said that while it’s fine to pray for the dead, the prayer is incomplete and should also include prayer for the victims and families of the death and destruction caused by drug pushers. He also intimated that he knew some dirt on certain local Church officials and that they should clean up their own act before presuming to interfere with others.
Stay tuned for further developments....
The Mayor’s latest problem
As I’ve noted before we have a sovereign king here who is called The Mayor. He is well liked by the vast majority of the voters who have reelected him 5 times by overwhelming majorities. He is credited with cleaning up this city of criminal elements. Other projects have been garbage collection, anti-smoking laws, anti drug campaigns, and work on traffic flow. He has a reputation of being very tough but fair and has also worked for peace in this troubled area, and has won the trust of many on all sides of the various conflicts.
For a number of years there have been mysterious killings of suspected (and often convicted) drug dealers in this town. The modus operandi is always the same: two masked men in black pull up on a motorcycle and one shoots the victim, usually in the head and off they go. It can happen at night or in broad daylight, but always out in the open. Since I came, I have heard many rumors that someone big was behind it. Some say the mayor, some say the police because it is efficiently done and no one is ever caught.
Locals tell me that the vigilantes rarely (some say never) make mistakes. People say that folk caught selling drugs are given two warnings. The third time is it. We have heard stories of people being let out of jail on a second or third drug charge and getting shot before the day was out. A neighbor of ours had a troubled son who was arrested twice for drug possession. Then one night a warning note appeared on their door. He was smart. He left town before dawn. I hear he has since cleaned up his act.
I barely missed witnessing a killing one day. Shortly after I passed by at 2pm, a man walking down the same road was shot and killed by the vigilantes. Another friend tells of walking home late one night from the factory where she works. Two masked men pulled up in front of her in a motorcycle, one shone a light in her face and said “It’s not her.” They then took off. But my friend was so badly shaken that she could hardly stand. Apparently there was a woman of similar build and similar long hair who had also worked intermittantly at that factory who was rumored to use and/or sell drugs. Needless to say that woman left town too when she heard about the incident.
Another friend was telling me that it has spread outside the city now. A young man in her village was recently shot dead by the same method. He had been a troubled youth and known to use drugs and alcohol a lot. Two men rolled up on a motorcycle and shot him one evening as he was sitting in front of a local shop. My friend said that according to neighbors, it was likely he had been selling drugs and that is why he was targeted.
It IS very unnerving to think about people getting shot like that. People say that drug peddlars often get out of jail easily because they have lots of money and it is apparently easy to bribe your way out. So they say that the judicial system doesn’t work and that’s why the vigilantes have stepped in. But of course what happens if there is a mistake? What if someone is falsely accused of drug pushing, perhaps by an envious neighbor, and they end up getting killed? I mean, you can recover from a beating and live to mend your ways, but getting killed is pretty permanent. The other troubling thing is that, like everywhere else, the big fish are never caught. It’s always the small dealer.
(There are other types of killings that go on around here too, particularly gang killings and what are called “summary executions”. Different modi operandi. If killing could be ranked, no doubt they would be worse. But that is another story.)
For a number of years there have been mysterious killings of suspected (and often convicted) drug dealers in this town. The modus operandi is always the same: two masked men in black pull up on a motorcycle and one shoots the victim, usually in the head and off they go. It can happen at night or in broad daylight, but always out in the open. Since I came, I have heard many rumors that someone big was behind it. Some say the mayor, some say the police because it is efficiently done and no one is ever caught.
Locals tell me that the vigilantes rarely (some say never) make mistakes. People say that folk caught selling drugs are given two warnings. The third time is it. We have heard stories of people being let out of jail on a second or third drug charge and getting shot before the day was out. A neighbor of ours had a troubled son who was arrested twice for drug possession. Then one night a warning note appeared on their door. He was smart. He left town before dawn. I hear he has since cleaned up his act.
I barely missed witnessing a killing one day. Shortly after I passed by at 2pm, a man walking down the same road was shot and killed by the vigilantes. Another friend tells of walking home late one night from the factory where she works. Two masked men pulled up in front of her in a motorcycle, one shone a light in her face and said “It’s not her.” They then took off. But my friend was so badly shaken that she could hardly stand. Apparently there was a woman of similar build and similar long hair who had also worked intermittantly at that factory who was rumored to use and/or sell drugs. Needless to say that woman left town too when she heard about the incident.
Another friend was telling me that it has spread outside the city now. A young man in her village was recently shot dead by the same method. He had been a troubled youth and known to use drugs and alcohol a lot. Two men rolled up on a motorcycle and shot him one evening as he was sitting in front of a local shop. My friend said that according to neighbors, it was likely he had been selling drugs and that is why he was targeted.
It IS very unnerving to think about people getting shot like that. People say that drug peddlars often get out of jail easily because they have lots of money and it is apparently easy to bribe your way out. So they say that the judicial system doesn’t work and that’s why the vigilantes have stepped in. But of course what happens if there is a mistake? What if someone is falsely accused of drug pushing, perhaps by an envious neighbor, and they end up getting killed? I mean, you can recover from a beating and live to mend your ways, but getting killed is pretty permanent. The other troubling thing is that, like everywhere else, the big fish are never caught. It’s always the small dealer.
(There are other types of killings that go on around here too, particularly gang killings and what are called “summary executions”. Different modi operandi. If killing could be ranked, no doubt they would be worse. But that is another story.)
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

A friend from the second of my worlds texted yesterday morning and said they had just had a strong earthquake. She had been out in the rice field spraying when it hit. She said there was a loud rumble with it and it was so strong it knocked her to her knees. She said the local elementary school kids were outside at the time having a flag ceremony and when the quake hit they just scattered, running home crying. Schools were cancelled the rest of the day. She didn't have any news at that point as to any structural damage or whether the hot springs in the next village burst open again.
Amazing what you can do with modern technology - I looked it up right away on the internet at IRIS Seismic and there it was already posted, a 5.7 with a center 20km south of town - just about exactly where my friend lives! So I texted her the info. Two friends in the nearby town said they were okay, that schools had been cancelled but people weren't panicking and running for the hills in fear of a tsunami or anything. No further news so apparently all is well.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Late night radio

Last night I ended up researching late night radio stations. The occasion was that our new neighbors were playing mosque “music” loudly again. Perhaps they find it helps them sleep but for me for 20 years it has always been “wake up” music. Wake up and pray at 4:45am or wake up and pray at 3pm. Or when the month of fasting ends and people party all night long then they play that music. So for me it is indelibly “wake up” music.
I was trying to find a way to kind of drown out or cover up the “wake up” music and checked out local radio stations. I was checking out FM stations looking for something mellow and sleep inducing, like instrumental muzak or something. But slowly one by one the most mellow stations went off the air. By midnight I was down to about three choices, none of which was ideal, though any were better than nothing.
Usually it's very quiet around here until the birds wake you up in the morning so I am not used to a radio playing in my ear and most of it was in English so I kept ending up listening to the dumb words. I thought about going downstairs and sleeping on the floor in hopes that it might be quieter but knew I’d be bitten by ants all night. Finally, with some gel ear plugs in and the radio going at the head of the bed by the window, and my head at the foot of the bed (which I had to share with the cat), I FINALLY drifted off to sleep...
Believe it or not, when I woke up this morning and took out the ear plugs, the “wake up" music was still going, though not as loud as it had been. I was happy to learn this morning that these neighbors are only there temporarily, waiting for their house to be finished and should be moving out in April.
As for the results of my research into late night radio stations, all I can say is that there apparently isn't much demand....
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