Last night I ended up researching late night radio stations. The occasion was that our new neighbors were playing mosque “music” loudly again. Perhaps they find it helps them sleep but for me for 20 years it has always been “wake up” music. Wake up and pray at 4:45am or wake up and pray at 3pm. Or when the month of fasting ends and people party all night long then they play that music. So for me it is indelibly “wake up” music.
I was trying to find a way to kind of drown out or cover up the “wake up” music and checked out local radio stations. I was checking out FM stations looking for something mellow and sleep inducing, like instrumental muzak or something. But slowly one by one the most mellow stations went off the air. By midnight I was down to about three choices, none of which was ideal, though any were better than nothing.
Usually it's very quiet around here until the birds wake you up in the morning so I am not used to a radio playing in my ear and most of it was in English so I kept ending up listening to the dumb words. I thought about going downstairs and sleeping on the floor in hopes that it might be quieter but knew I’d be bitten by ants all night. Finally, with some gel ear plugs in and the radio going at the head of the bed by the window, and my head at the foot of the bed (which I had to share with the cat), I FINALLY drifted off to sleep...
Believe it or not, when I woke up this morning and took out the ear plugs, the “wake up" music was still going, though not as loud as it had been. I was happy to learn this morning that these neighbors are only there temporarily, waiting for their house to be finished and should be moving out in April.
As for the results of my research into late night radio stations, all I can say is that there apparently isn't much demand....
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