Sunday, January 13, 2008

Delights of high humidity

Ah, the delights of high humidity! Soon after landing in the third of my worlds I could feel my freeze-dried nose and airways beginning to heal. No more bloody nose. No more chapped lips. No more need for body or hand lotion. Even my Velcro fingers have finally healed! Now it’s back to two showers a day and using a thin towel so that it has a chance to dry in between.

It’s also wonderful to be able to touch things like doorknobs and computers without a jolt of static electricity. I wonder how long it would have taken Ben Franklin to study electricity if he had lived here instead?

It is amazing how much easier it is to move around when you don’t have six or eight layers of clothing on. More than once I felt like that little kid in the movie who was so stiff from his big fat snowsuit that when he fell over in the snow he couldn’t get up and had to just lay there and cry for help!

Oh, and I brought back a thermometer so that I can tell you what the temperature is in Fahrenheit. It is currently 81 degrees in my office, pleasantly cool with a fan (but with exertion and no fan, enough to make you sweat!)

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