Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sometimes it's better not to know

Thursday the internet was down all day – some major problem with the server affecting half the country. Friday the power was off. Somebody bombed two major transmission towers on the other side of the island. Today the water has been off all day and is still off. In fact we hear it won’t be back on until tomorrow. After all that I’m kind of starting to get nervous about what new thing tomorrow might bring!

We never did hear what caused the internet problem but it seems to be fixed. The electricity is on but I can hear the back up generator down the road going so the transmission towers apparently aren’t fixed yet. Nobody seems to have any idea why somebody keep bombing transmission towers. Is it rebels trying to send some message that nobody seems to be understanding, or at least can’t do anything about? Is it bored teenagers out for some sort of obscure fun? Is it sabateurs paid by somebody to hassle the electric company – after all, we heard that there had been some clandestine deal being brokered by some big fish to sell it to a Chinese company. It’s supposedly off now, but it does make you wonder. As for the water, we heard they are draining a reservoir. Reminds me of the time a reservoir in the capital city was closed for a day while they looked for the body of a guy who’d fallen in and drowned. They didn’t find him so they eventually threw a bunch of chlorine in and turned the water back on. Perhaps his remains are still stuck in a pipe somewhere.... I guess maybe sometimes it’s better that we don’t know why things aren’t working.

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