Sunday, May 04, 2008

Why are they lazy?

The other day a Chinese business woman asked me why the No people were so lazy. Even though I lived among the No people for a number of years I was still hard pressed to answer. I hadn’t really ever thought of them as lazy. But she was speaking from her perspective as an employer. She had also observed how immigrants had come into the area and were industrious, hardworking and eventually successful, unlike the No people who seemed to be stuck back in a time warp.

The quick answer is, it’s their culture. But what is it about their culture that makes them appear lazy to outsiders?

I have indeed known lazy people among the No people. One whole family in the village would far rather sit under the mango tree and strum a guitar than go attend to their fields. As a consequence, over the years they have lost all their land, selling it off bit by bit for cash to pay for things like weddings, funerals, TVs, etc. All the other villagers have long ago wearied of trying to help them. And nobody wants to loan any more money. Many will hire them sometimes to help with harvest or planting, but even then they will only work when they are hungry and then their work is slipshod and sometimes has to be redone. Now most of the children have grown up and married and most are just as unsuccessful as their parents were. One of the daughters-in-law is a very industrious gal but she has complained that her in-laws are constantly coming to them for help (ie handouts) and she is very frustrated. Another daughter-in-law who lives in town quit visiting altogether when on one visit she had to go beg rice from a neighbor to feed her 4 year old because there was nothing at all in the house.

Now, in the No culure there is a strong value of helping your family and neighbors. So people find it hard to refuse a direct request for food. But they still resent it when people from this family come asking because in the eyes of the rest of the villagers, they are lazy.

So, there definitely ARE lazy No people. But what about the rest? The cultural thing that seems to hold them all back is related to envy.

Most of the conflict in No culture results from envy. Life is organized to avoid people becoming envious of you. An envious person will at the very least gossip, backbite, slander. That is unpleasant enough but an envious person may also resort to magic - and that strikes fear in people's hearts. Their elders told them that it was useless to plant a lot of rice because others would become envious and would use malign magic to destroy the rice, make them sick, or cause other misfortune. So the motivation to be successful has been countermanded by fear of others’ envy and especially fear of magic being directed towards them. Others have found that any extra prosperity is quickly devoured by other family members. So this also demotivates people from becoming “too successful”.

The result today is that other ethnic groups move into the area and are quickly successful and prosperous while the local folk are more and more marginalized.

So, are they lazy?

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