Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

This was one of the quietest New Year's eves I have experienced in a long time. Ever since firecrackers were banned it has been a challenge for people to make adequate noise. Despite the ban, there are always a few crackers - you can still buy and use them outside the city limits. But it's risky, because if the mayor catches you, well, let's just say you wouldn't want that to happen.

Last night a helpful neighbor revved his motorcycle for awhile. A few kids ran around tooting cardboard trumpets. In the distance I could hear a low rumble as people banged on pots and pans, honked horns, banged on metal roofing sheets. But that was it. Soon it started raining and people retreated indoors.

I found out later that half the city had a blackout just at the stroke of midnight so maybe that is partially responsible for the lack of noise. But where were the mega-amplifiers that only the night before were keeping us awake with wannabe stars croaking, I mean crooning into the mike late into the wee hours? Where were the sound systems of the karaoke bars and hip churches that blast their music across the countryside? Why if one of those had been set up by my neighbor's motorcycle last night we could have had a fine earth-thrumming contribution to make! If you added fire and police sirens and my other neighbor's car alarm (mulitplied by hundreds) we could have had a royal din!

I guess we've got some work to do for next year....

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