Thursday, December 28, 2006

On wobbly legs

As I get my still wobbly self to the computer to update this blog, let me assure you that I am still alive, and, a brief scan of the internet shows that the world has managed to carry on just fine without me the last few days.

I am recovering from a bout of some weird gastroenteritis that's going around. It hit me Christmas Eve and I spent the next two days flat on the floor with grog-inducing fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea hoping I wouldn't vomit too. Wednesday the fever broke so I sweat all day long but at least felt well enough to sit up part of the day and alert enough to read - in between trips to the bathroom. By evening I managed to get somebody to buy me a liter of Sprite and that went down well. Lost 10 pounds in two days - let me know if you'd like me to send you some bugs....

Now I am up and about, no more nausea, though after a trip upstairs my legs are really tired and crampy and I felt the need to sit and rest before coming down again. Combing my hair makes my arm tired, and holding a book makes my hand cramp. Amazing that as recently as last Saturday I was doing stair step aerobics and today I am so weak I would probably fall off the step!

On Christmas day my house helper stopped by to get some ice. I apparently looked so bad that she was afraid to go home so she and her roommate moved in for a couple of days. Very kind of them. Though of course since I certainly wasn’t in any condition to make any demands on anybody, they had plenty of time to watch VCD movies on my old laptop.

I’ve had my share of GI upsets in my life but this was the all time champion, definitely a new strain of whatever it was. And now freed of the fever, I would like to know more about the epidemiology of this bug. Was it contamination from raw eggs used freely in holiday cooking? Did anybody else get sick who was at any of the same events I was at? If so, what could have been the common factor? Not that I will ever know for sure, but I’m curious....

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