Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Unfixable Things

Have you ever had one of those unfixable things? Like a stereo that plays just fine at the repair shop but constantly clicks itself off at home? Or what about bats living under the 2nd floor eaves that leave lovely brown streaks aaaaall the way down the white walls, despite all efforts to get rid of them. (They LOVE light! Putting up a screen makes them even happier – they can hang from the outside plus go inside too!) Or what about a leak in the neighbor’s upstairs bathroom that drips or rains down into your dining room. You know, the kind that gets “fixed” with bubble gum and every now and then the gum gets knocked off or gets old and falls off and the leak starts again? Or the situation with another neighbor – every time it rains his garage gets filled with dirty water. Not just rain water, it comes complete with shampoo satchets, soap wrappers, rice, and other delicacies from people’s kitchens and laundries (though at least so far no TP!). It has been “fixed” many times, but yesterday they were out there again scooping water out in buckets.

In the grand scheme of things, what is the purpose of those unfixables? To build character? To bring in more income to the blood pressure drug companies? To ensure tenants don’t stay too long? To test creativity? To give you topics of conversation to try out at boring parties? How would YOU deal with it? Would you just enjoy your stereo whenever it intermittantly feels like playing? Or would you go out and buy a new one? Would you paint your house brown since you can’t get rid of the bats? Would you buy stock in the bubble gum factory since the leak seems to be unfixable? Or would you stock up on buckets? Or open a swimming pool? Maybe we should paint our dining room wall to look like a water fall. Then whenever it leaks again it would blend right in. But I still haven’t figured out what to advise the neighbor with the flooding garage...

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